.. _prep_dataset: *************** Prepare dataset *************** .. note:: Perform the following steps from your *Cirrus Cluster Workstation* (i.e. :ref:`connect using the NX client `). You may want to open this page in a browser running on the Cirrus Cluster Workstation for convenience. You can either use an default example image dataset or provide your own image files. Optional - Prepare your own dataset ----------------------------------- To use your own image collection, you'll need to place jpeg format image files in an archive file (tar or zip). Any directory structure is fine, non-JPEG files will be ignored. .. note:: For convenience, place your .zip or .tar file on a webserver so you can easily download it to your workstation in the next step. Import Data ----------- Open a terminal (right click on desktop and select **Open in terminal** from the context menu) and enter the following command. .. code-block:: bash Cirrus Cluster_import_dataset At the prompt ``Please enter url to dataset archive:``, provide the path to your tar or zip image archive in URL format (or use the URL for the example dataset). .. note:: If your file is copied locally on the workstation use the URL prefix file:// instead of http://. At the prompt ``Please enter name for dataset (no spaces):``, provide a name for your dataset (no spaces - only letters, numbers, underscores). This creates a new dataset directory :file:`/home/ubuntu/Desktop/datasets/{dataset_name}` containing a PERT file :file:`imageid_to_image.pert` containing your dataset images.