Prepare dataset


Perform the following steps from your Cirrus Cluster Workstation (i.e. connect using the NX client). You may want to open this page in a browser running on the Cirrus Cluster Workstation for convenience.

You can either use an default example image dataset or provide your own image files.

Optional - Prepare your own dataset

To use your own image collection, you’ll need to place jpeg format image files in an archive file (tar or zip). Any directory structure is fine, non-JPEG files will be ignored.


For convenience, place your .zip or .tar file on a webserver so you can easily download it to your workstation in the next step.

Import Data

Open a terminal (right click on desktop and select Open in terminal from the context menu) and enter the following command.

Cirrus Cluster_import_dataset

At the prompt Please enter url to dataset archive:, provide the path to your tar or zip image archive in URL format (or use the URL for the example dataset).


If your file is copied locally on the workstation use the URL prefix file:// instead of http://.

At the prompt Please enter name for dataset (no spaces):, provide a name for your dataset (no spaces - only letters, numbers, underscores).

This creates a new dataset directory /home/ubuntu/Desktop/datasets/dataset_name containing a PERT file imageid_to_image.pert containing your dataset images.

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